Exposure to cold initially activates the sympathetic nervous system and triggers releases in blood endorphins and noradrenaline in levels of 2-3 times higher than base levels. Taking a cold plunge also increases synaptic release of noradrenaline in the brain.
What you also see from taking an ice bath or being exposed to the cold in general, is a higher amount of electrical impulses being sent to the brain from peripheral nerve endings due to the cold receptors on our skin being activated.
What you see after the initial shock of the cold is a shift to the parasympathetic state, which promotes rest, relaxation and improved recovery.
Ice baths also cause constriction of the blood vessels and a release of shock proteins which can attribute its benefits for recovering after a hard workout. This shunting of the natural inflammatory and swelling process though, has been shown to be counter productive to hypertrophy following strength based training like weightlifting or resistance training.
Non-shivering thermogenesis is a process of directly producing heat without shivering. This type of thermogenesis is created through the production of brown fat. This is also regulated by the release of norepinephrine through exposure to the cold. The increase of metabolic expenditure can increase fat utilisation and lead to improved body composition, improved metabolic efficiency and weight loss. Some the more commonly cited benefits of Ice Bath:
Reduces joint and muscle inflammation/pain
Decreases recovery time
Stimulates endorphin release
Reduces stress and anxiety
Increases energy levels and assists with fatigue
Boosts the immune system
Increased metabolism and weight loss